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Wednesday - April 30, 2008

Photos from last night's game

My mom sent copies of the photos she took at last night's game. And, I'm sharing them with you. She suggested that I could put up "a big disclaimer so that people won't think you took the fuzzy photos." Heh heh. Consider yourselves (or should it be "myself"?) disclaimed. Some photos are better than no photos, right? I noticed that there aren't any photos on the TexasSports.com site so I guess they didn't have a photographer out there either. So sad.

Anyway, here you go...

First, a couple of Kenn Kasparek early in the game:

[Kenn Kasparek]

[Kenn Kasparek]

Michael Torres at the plate:

[Michael Torres]

Travis Tucker at the plate:

[Travis Tucker]

Going through the "good game" line:

[Good game]

And, a shot of the scoreboard at the end of the game:


Thanks, Mom!

Posted by Joanna at 11:10 PM